IT - Career Mentoring & Life Coaching
So, You Want IT?
We don’t have to, but we’ll start with the startling fact that the IT industry is in dire need of skilled, professional, well-rounded, innovative, driven, passionate, talent such as yourself. So, you are asking, “Why can’t I get this job?” Whether you fit this description or not, we can help!
According to “3.5 million Cyber Security jobs are likely to go unfilled globally by 2021, making this an excellent career path,” and that doesn’t even include all the other specialty information technology jobs.
We want to work with you to show you how to infiltrate this industry and be the ideal candidate for a position in the IT industry. Even if you don’t know where to start, we will help you figure it out!
If you’re looking for more clarity, confidence, and guidance, look no further!
We have practical steps!
Here’s how IT Career mentoring can help!
Certifications, College Level, or New Career Path
“Thinking that has brought me this far has created some problems, that this thinking can’t solve.” - Einstein
Maybe it’s a certification you are studying for or can’t seem to pass; we can help there too!
Avoid the mistakes we’ve made paying for expensive information technology certs, and time taken from our lives pursuing courses that really didn’t help us advance in our careers! Let’s evaluate your now, so we can make strategic moves on your next certification.
We have forged relationships with other industry experts, hiring managers, technical recruiting firms, and other organizations to help nurture and funnel in the type of candidates they are looking for. In these partnerships we’ve agreed only to send candidates that are willing to learn, who are consistent, and hardworking! We will only refer the best! Not there yet? No worries, with our partnership, you WILL be there!
Entry level & Mid-level
“Don’t let someone else’s opinion of you become your reality.” – Les Brown
Maybe you’ve given up because of all the “No’s” or “You are unqualified.” Let us look at all your transferable skills and show the lucky employer why they should say “Yes!” and “You’ve got the position!”
With our unique perspectives and versatile skill set acquired over the years, and not just from the IT industry, we will be able to customize a plan and provide action items to help you effectively achieve your goals.
Senior level
“Find people who will make you better!” – Michelle Obama
So, you have the knowledge, experience, and background but something is missing! With years of life coaching experience, we’re not only here to hold you accountable, encourage, and challenge you, but we can help you gain a broader perspective on finding balance in your everyday life; all while continuing to pursue your career goals and aspirations. Maybe you need a change or a boost? Maybe you want to take your leadership to the next level, need a safe space to have this discussion, and a fresh pair of eyes to help you see further than your current state; our counseling and mentoring can help there too!
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